Family History

" ...Whatsoever you record on earth shall be be recorded in heaven, and whatsoever you do not record on earth shall not be recorded in heaven; for out of the books shall your dead be judged, according to their own works..."

Doctrine and Covenants 128:8

Ideas For Family Histories

"This is an excellent book, loaded with important, unusual, helpful, and interesting ideas! Anyone, no matter how much he's done, how good he is, or what he intends to do, can benefit from it." (Alta Higbee Jacobsen)

"This book gives hope to those who intend to do histories, but are overwhelmed. It is a great step-by-step guide!" (Fred Lewis)

Ideas For Family Histories is a collection of handouts from personal and family history classes, plus there are a lot of sample pages from real family history books. It is illustrated with pictures, pedigrees, family groups, maps, and much more. Choose from the many ideas to help you record your own family histories.

8.5" X 11", 88 pages, B&W

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We Know Who We Are!

Travel through time starting from Enoch to the present day, and beyond. Read about ancient prophets such as Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, and his great-grandson, Joseph. This story begins with some lineages from patriarchal blessings. Then it traces the covenants made with Abraham down through the centuries. The ten tribes in the north were conquered by the Assyrians, and Judah was taken captive by Babylon. The counsel that Jethro had given Moses on how to govern the Israelites was later found in the Anglo-Saxon government in England. These concepts were then transferred to America by the Pilgrims and the Puritans, and others, who were called Gentiles, but were predominantly from the tribe of Ephraim. Some of the native Americans from the tribe of Manasseh were helpful in preserving the colonist's lives, and in setting up the government of the United States. Witness the divine intervention which created a new nation, whose government is based on old English law and the Ten Commandments. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was then restored to the earth to gather Israel in the last days. Missionaries were sent to teach descendants of the Lamanites, and the gospel was taken to all the world. Twenty-seven prophecies of the last days will help you prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

8.5" X 11", 148 pictures, 113 pages, B&W

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Family History Adventures - Book

"You can do it!" Vachele's dad exclaimed, as he taught her to how to feed pet lambs, milk cows, drive tractors and trucks, and how to do other farm chores. Her dad also encouraged her to write. Vachele learned at a very early age that she can do hard things. Compiling books is hard work. It takes a lot of time and patience. Many hundreds of Vachele and Jay's family history books have been sold. After they had ordered their one-thousandth family history book in 2007 their family, relatives, and friends helped them make their Family History Adventures - DVD to celebrate their success. Vachele completed this Family History Adventures - Book to accompany the DVD. Here is a glimpse behind the scenes.

8.5" X 11", 168 pictures, 76 pages, Color

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Family History Adventures - DVD

Sit back and enjoy clarinet music by Vachele, which was recorded in 1967 at her high school graduation, while you watch a beautiful video of some of the majestic mountains in Mink Creek, Idaho. Watch more video by Mark, Vachele's son, as he recorded the rushing water in Henry's Fork of the Snake River where a family member drowned. Enjoy organ music by Ann, Vachele's 12-year old daughter, from the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, along with all of the amazing stories about how Vachele and Jay's 12 family history books, and 3 DVD's came to be. This is a very entertaining, one-hour DVD.


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Histories of the Lars Henry and Serena Christensen Family - Volume I

"Our lives held many hardships and trials and many, many joys and blessings. I would have my children know that if I could go back to those hills of Norway and have another chance to decide whether to accept the Gospel or not, I would do as I have done. I am thankful for my family and the good lives they are living and I hope their lives will continue to demonstrate that 'If we seek first God and his righteousness all other things will be added.'" (Serena Christensen, Vachele's grandmother, 1965) This book highlights Lars Henry and Serena, their parents, and their brothers and sisters and their families.

8.5" X 11",1033 pictures, Indexed, 625 pages, B&W

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Histories of the Lars Henry and Serena Christensen Family - Volume II

This volume features Lars Henry and Serena's children and their families. Histories, family group sheets, stories, pictures, trips, weddings, funerals, horseback rides, reunions, memories, etc. make up this book. Family will get to know aunts, uncles and cousins. Lars Henry and Serena have 9 children, 36 grandchildren, 158 great-grandchildren, and many more second great-grandchildren, with third great-granchildren on their way. "It is estimated that by the end of the millennium that most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will have over a million descendants! We are now privileged to be laying the foundation of a very great and important work yet to come." (Grant Stevenson, a retired BYU Genealogy Professor)

8.5" X 11", 1700 pictures, Indexed, 736 pages, B&W

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Lars Henry and Serena Christensen


Serena's writings about her life have been consolidated into one beautiful story, and divided into chapters. Included is a history about Lars Henry. She tells about her years growing up in Norway, her conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, coming by boat to America, settling in Idaho, and serving as a mid-wife in the farming community of Mink Creek. She wrote about her marriage to Lars Henry and tells about her parents living with them. Included are histories of both Lars Henry and Serena's parents. Talks from Serena's funeral are also shared, along with a few memories from the departed generation.

8.5" X 11", 285 pictures, 230 pages, Color

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Serena's Baptism


Four accounts have been combined with large font and pictures for the full story of Serena's baptism. It will make nice gifts for second and third great-grandchildren who are getting baptized. They will love Serena's story. Serena was sprinkled when she was a baby. She walked eight miles to Church and back with her mother and younger brother. Her mother and dad discussed baptism - that it was no good to be sprinkled. They wanted to be baptized by immersion. They were excited when they listened to the missionaries. They knew that the Gospel was true. They were baptized on June 9, 1900. A week later they were confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - in Norway.

8.5" X 11", 32 pictures, 24 pages, Color

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Mink Creek Pioneers - DVD

This DVD contains the tragic story of the talented artist, Harold Helgesen, who painted the painting of Temple Square in the Mink Creek, Idaho Chapel. His Aunt Serena tells about coming to Idaho from Norway and how she met and married Lars Henry Christensen. Listen to her Norwegian accent as she tells about her conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her voice was recorded in 1974. She also tells about her parents coming from Norway to live with her and her husband, Lars Henry. Elma Walker, her daughter, narrates the history of her grandfather, Carl Christian Christensen, from Denmark. Patti Christensen, wife of Forrest, a grandson, recounts the story of the haunted house amid eerie music and unusual photography. Enjoy Mark Higbee's video of some of the majestic Mink Creek mountains. With over ten minutes of pictures of posterity, can you find yourself?


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Carl And Lenna Christensen


Lenna is the author of this great book. Vachele has combined her parent's histories into one story. It has been divided into 28 chapters. At the end of each chapter are lots of pictures. Carl and Lenna are great examples of fulfilling many callings in the Church. She did a lot of genealogy and they both served in the Logan Temple, and in Alabama as missionaries. Their history teaches us many Gospel principles, such as the joy that comes from hard work. Along with a lifetime of many bustling activities and good stories, this book highlights the cute babies, grandbabies, and great-grandbabies for all of their posterity to enjoy.

8.5" X 11", 620 pictures, 370 pages, Color

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Lenna's 85th Birthday - DVD

This DVD was a happy surprise for Lenna's 85th birthday party. Everyone loved it. A highlight is Lenna and her mother, Elva, singing "Whispering Hope" together. (They were recoded on a cassette tape over forty years ago!) As we listened to them sing it felt like Grandma Elva was there with us. As can be seen in one picture, some of the family experienced tears. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren who weren't there, will love to watch this video about Lenna's life. It was written by Lenna, and narrated by Vachele, with technical support from Jay and Mark. The DVD contains many still pictures about Lenna's life. She is a great example for us to emulate.


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Remembering Life On The Farm

"This book is wonderful! Vachele gives interesting details about what it was like to be a child in a large family on a farm in Mink Creek, Idaho during the 1950s and 1960s. I really was impressed by how hard Vachele and her family worked. She had unique challenges. The many photos help one to visualize what life was like. It is a marvelous book!" (Mary W. Miles, a friend of Vachele) Paul Higbee, Vachele's son, added, "This book brings back great memories! It tells the story of how things used to be. I think it's a really cool book." Filled with over 50 pages of large pictures of antique machinery, this book is more than interesting - it is a treasure.

8.5" X 11", 610 pictures, 234 pages, Color

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Growing Up On The Farm


This is a children's version of Remembering Life On The Farm with large print and large pictures to help children enjoy learning about the farm. Vachele shares details about hauling hay on the dry farm above the river, where she drove the big truck at age 6. While driving the Allis-Chalmers tractor a couple years later, she mistakenly pushed the hand clutch in, and the tractor with the hay wagon raced down the hill. A brother and her sister jumped off. Thank goodness her oldest brother, Lyle, stayed on the hay wagon and kept yelling, "Pull the hand clutch back." Another story is about Hornhead. He was a mean sheep that the kids liked to tease. He chased Vachele's daddy in the field. Learn what he did to protect himself until he could climb over the fence. This book also has a special story about the Holy Ghost answering Vachele's childhood prayer when she was 7. It is a fun book for little, and big, kids.

8.5" X 11", 172 pictures, 70 pages, Color

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A Lifetime Of Romance and Adventure

"I've finished my family history book. It is 244 pages. It contains many family pictures and group sheets, and some historical information on Henson Walker and Howard Egan. They both came across the plains with Brigham Young in 1847. Howard was a pony express rider. Vachele, my niece, helped me with my history book. It has been a daunting task to try to remember events, places and times. However, eight years after beginning the task, this book has finally been completed. Alleluia!! I'm sure you will enjoy it." (Elma Walker, 2006) Elma left a great and inspiring book for relatives and for all of her posterity.

8.5" X 11", 359 pictures, 244 pages, Color

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Histories of the Lewis Aaron and Elva Lorain Taylor Barrington Family

With all the wonderful advances in computer technology, Elva's book of Remembrance can now be shared with everyone! I am honored to be a part of what my grandmother started, and mother continued. Their great labor of love for their families will live on for generations to come. James Toronto, our stake president, taught: "We are the 'bridge generation.' We are in a position to connect the hearts of the previous generations to the younger generations. If we don't do so, the legacy can be lost." Histories and pictures of Lewis and Elva's parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren and their families are included.

8.5" X 11", 1338 pictures, 728 pages, B&W

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Lewis Aaron And Elva Lorain Taylor Barrington


Lewis and Elva's 100th Wedding Anniversary was on April 3, 2018! One hundred years ago they went to the Logan temple in a white-top buggy, and an inter-urban train. Elva wrote, "We went to the temple [in a blizzard] and were married and sealed for time and eternity, the desire I had always had. We were married by William A. Noble and what a glorious experience it was to go the temple!" Lewis and Elva were righteous. How they handled their trials is a great example to follow. Their beautiful temple marriage, along with their other life stories, have inspired and blessed us, their numerous posterity.

8.5" X 11", 320 pictures, 210 pages, Color

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Lewis And Elva Barrington


Children can be taught about their grandpa's love for his horses and their grandma's beautiful tatting and organ playing. They will learn about work, keeping commandments, priesthood blessings, temple marriage, fulfilling Church callings, doing what's right, death, and much more. It is a history of Lewis and Elva's lives written by Elva and Lenna. With help from parents this book will teach values and Gospel principles to children. They may come to understand that they, along with their brothers, sisters, and cousins, have a noble birthright. They will know that they are special, and that they have very important work to do, too.

8.5" X 11", 106 pictures, 58 pages, Color

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Marie's Baptism Changed Everything!


When Marie was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1866 she kept it a secret until her husband, Ole, joined. When the Lutheran priest found out that the Olsen family had joined the Church he ordered them off the Petterborg farm in Hedemark, Norway that they had been renting. Their friends all turned against them, making their move as disagreeable as possible. They went to Oslo where they worked in a brickyard. After several years they finally saved up enough money to come to America. They settled in Preston, Idaho. Marie and Ole's story is one of hardship and trial. May we as posterity appreciate the sacrifices they made that we might enjoy the blessings of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

8.5" X 11", 36 pictures, 24 pages, Color

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Higbee Frontiers of Hope

This book is about Isaac and Sophia Higbee and their sons, Elias, Isaac Jr., and John Somers, who joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1831 and 1832. It gives insight into the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In Part I Isaac and Sophia's many grandchildren, and their families, are highlighted. Part II focuses on Silas Somers Higbee, another grandson, a son of John Somers Higbee, and some of his descendants. Information for this book was taken from the Official Higbee Magazines that were compiled by the Higbee family from 1955 to 1958. Genealogy and other data was shared by Alta Higbee Jacobsen. It is a great book.

8.5" X 11", 700 pictures, Indexed, 742 pages, B&W

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John Somers Higbee


John was a mighty and powerful instrument in the hands of the Lord. This book in his own words was compiled from his five diaries. Accounts from some other sources are also included. John was faithful throughout his life and he endured valiantly to the end. He has a fascinating story with lots of really hard trials, such as being driven out of Missouri in 1833. His father, Isaac, died, becoming a martyr to the cause. Among other things, John kept a record of coming across the plains with Brigham Young. It has been a great privilege to compile this book about this man of God. I hope it will be a great blessing for posterity to read it.

8.5" X 11", 170 pictures, Referenced, 184 pages, Color

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Duane and Blanche Higbee


"This book is a tribute to the many good works of Duane and Blanche Higbee. Like the pioneers before them they took what little they were given and accomplished much. Dad built 29 houses and 24 apartments. They are still being used. He also worked on some church buildings, which have served thousands. Mom taught well over 750 children to read, including Janet and me. Most important is their family. I am thankful for the things my parents have done for me, and all that they did for my family, and the great legacy they left us. Their stories go back to a time that is similar, and yet, very different. They preserve pieces of history for posterity." (Jay H. Higbee)

8.5" X 11", 323 pictures, 286 pages, Color

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Growing Up In Pullman

This is a short history about Jay Harrison Higbee. He wrote most of it, himself. It's all about his life up until the time he got married. His mother and father added a little to it: "When Jay was a baby we'd put him to bed at night and it was kind of hard to get him to go to sleep. We'd cover him up and he'd kick out of the covers and stand up in the crib and he'd grab hold of the sides of the crib and he'd say, 'Drink, drink, drink.' And his dad said to him, 'Oh, come on now. You just had one.' And he'd shake the sides of the crib and say, 'Daddy, daddy, I ain't got all day.'" (Duane and Blanche Higbee) Grandkids especially, will enjoy reading this history with all the cute stories.

8.5" X 11", 99 pictures, 34 pages, Color

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Meservy-Kingsbury Frontiers of Hope

"To My Kindred: Beloved Friends: Out of respect to the family name, and the memory of the departed; for the information of the living, and of those yet unborn, I have collected the information contained in this record in order that it may be preserved and handed down to our latest posterity. May each one of you be [aware] of the rapid flight of time, and exclaim: Our forefathers! They are contemporaries!! Gone! gone! Never more to return!!! And after a few more fleeting days, where will each of you be? The Book of God answers: In Happiness or in Despair. Salvation is by Jesus Christ. Live in obedience to God's commands and be forever happy." (Joseph R. Meservy)

8.5" X 11", 321 pictures, Indexed, 622 pages, B&W

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Joseph and Mary Meservy


Joseph and Mary's story will help youth to appreciate their heritage. Join Rozelia as her father, Joseph, disciplined her. Trying to stop her from screaming he put her in a gunny sack and hung her on the wall in the chicken coup. Who made the most noise, Rozelia or the chickens? Joseph was a remarkable man. Mary, Joseph's devoted wife, was on hand at every word from Joseph, and at his call she responded immediately, sometimes running to do his bidding. She had many children to care for, also. She was faithful, always, regardless of how she felt, or what she might be doing. She was the kind of woman they said at her funeral that made it possible for Joseph to be such a strong, and valiant man.

8.5" X 11", 74 pictures, 102 pages, B&W

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Joseph Corrodon Kingsbury


Joseph C. Kingsbury knew Joseph Smith. He was really active in the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His first wife, Caroline, and their child, died in Nauvoo, after suffering from persecution in Missouri. Joseph worked with Newel K. Whitney in Kirtland, Ohio, and the Red Brick Store in Nauvoo. He married three more times, and has a large posterity. Joseph was a remarkable man. He wrote his own life story. Orson F. Whitney wrote: "In 1843, prior to going on his mission, he had copied for the Bishop the revelation on Celestial Marriage, which had been written by William Clayton at the Prophet's dictation. Thus it happened that when the original was destroyed, an exact copy was in existence in the handwriting of Joseph C. Kingsbury."

8.5" X 11", 57 pictures, Referenced, 54 pages, Color

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Harrison and Larson Family Histories

After Eveard Harrison retired in 1978, he and his wife, Irene, went to England with the BYU Semester Abroad Program. A lot of this book about ancestors and relatives in England, is his last class paper. Eveard also quoted his great-grandfather, Ralph Harrison, from his missionary journal. This book was compiled by Eveard's son, Bart Harrison. Colored pictures have been added from the internet by Vachele: maps, churches, cemeteries, castles, ships, bridges, rivers, collieries, railways, etc. They make his story come alive. It's like taking a tour of England with Eveard as your guide!

8.5" X 11", 398 pictures, Indexed, 208 pages, Color

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